Corpse found in cigar box in Mount Carmel

You never know what you might find while digging in your backyard. From the Mount Carmel Daily News, June 8, 1893:

Ghastly Discovery!

A Corpse Found in a Large Cigar Box- The Police Investigating

Last evening a Hungarian resident of Mt. Carmel was digging a garden when his attention was attracted to a peculiarly sloped pile of dirt near the end of the lot. On top of the pile was a large flat stone.

The ground had been newly-turned and the curious Hungarian at once proceeded to dig at it. Finally he excavated enough to uncover and cigar-box of the long kind. Thinking that some one had buried a lot of money the man eagerly pried open the cover and glanced into the box.

He started back in horror. Instead of a pile of glittering gold lay the remains of a newly born infant. The Hungarian ran down town and notified the authorities. Squire Amour, Constable Herb and Robert Wilson of the News hurried to the spot and when the latter reached into the hole and extracted the box, the three men subjected the contents to rigorous examination.

No evidence could be secured leading to the identity of the infant. The neighbors were closely interrogated but could give no tangible information. At last the authorities turned the remains over to the poor authorities.


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